Competitive pricing on workplace computer services.

At iLogic, we believe in competitive pricing on workplace computer services. We understand that finding the right pricing plan for your needs is crucial for making informed decisions about our products and services.

We take pride in offering competitive pricing without ever compromising on the quality and value we provide. Each pricing plan is carefully crafted to offer you the best features, functionalities, and support that align with your business goals. Plans can be tailored to suit your specific needs.

Explore our pricing options below and find the plan that best suits your needs. We are confident that you'll find the perfect solution that not only fits your budget but also enables your business to thrive. Join our community of satisfied customers and unlock the full potential of our products and services today!


Services such as Wi-Fi installations, Office Fitouts and off-site repairs are quoted individually, after consultation.

Operating hours.

  • 9am - 5pm
  • By appointment

Do you need help? Contact us now.

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